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Piltdown Music Home Page

Everything But The Human Touch
Derivative, yet different!

More than 605.125 GB downloaded since October, 2003

The MP3 files available from this site are the sole property of Piltdown Music  © 1996-2024 by Mike Shafto, Piltdown Music. All of these files are for private listening and educational purposes only, and shall not be used for any commercial reasons.

The compositions and arrangements available below were developed using Piltdown Music's MugixX notation and sequencing environment, currently version 28 (October 25, 2023). The digital audio files are produced from MIDI files using the Native Instruments Kontakt sample-based synthesizer. Some instruments have been imported from Gigastudio (.gig format) files and from other libraries. Recording and mastering are done using Audacity.

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Title Composer(s) Notes
Blair the Square All compositions available on this webpage are by Mike Shafto unless otherwise noted. Track 1 of Post-Bop Hymnal Volume 6  NEW
Basic ideas adapted from Arnold Schoenberg & Sonny Stitt 
SIster Brinley     NEW
Silesian Dawn     Inspiration and key ideas from Jimmy Wyble, The Art of Two-Line Improvisation  NEW
Transfiguration Blues     How fast can robots play? This fast.  NEW
The Hedge of Black Thorns     NEW
A Feast of Snacks (take 2)     NEW
Granny Salis     NEW
Bobo LeBorro     NEW
Zot! (take 4)     It's a UC Irvine thing. NEW
Tarskian Fantasy     referring to Alfred Tarski (1901-1983) NEW
Commentary     NEW
Joshua Tree   Track 1 of Post-Bop Hymnal Volume 5  NEW
No Time Now     NEW
Knute's Canoe     NEW
Fizzy     NEW
Passers-by     NEW
Bergen Bounce    Solos based on Eric Dolphy, "Dahomey Dance", (Weimar Project transcription)
Radiation     NEW
Lu's Cha Cha     NEW
Homino Idea     NEW
Cardinals' Inn    Final track of Post-Bop Hymnal Volume 5 NEW
Frying Monkeys Jay Shafto Track 1 of Post-Bop Hymnal Volume 4  NEW
Figments   Track 1 of Post-Bop Hymnal Volume 3 
Next To Godliness    
Dusty Rails    
Frozen Cookie    
Sherry With a Cherry    
The Missing Riff    
Kiko the Kook    
Mercer County    
Verity    Final track of Post-Bop Hymnal Volume 3
Revival 75   Track 1 of Post-Bop Hymnal Volume 2 
Behind the Scenes    
Cooking at Versace Slim's    
Mambo 98 Jay Shafto and Mike Shafto Based on an etude by John McLaughlin  
Mambo Pajambo    
Hawking (no horns)    
Algeciras   Final track of Post-Bop Hymnal Volume 2 
Firmament   Track 1 of Post-Bop Hymnal Volume 1 
Music Mouse    
Ornery Theology    
Bird Suit    
Pile of Pearls    
Barbecue Blues   Final track of Post-Bop Hymnal Volume 1 
Assurance   Track 1 of Assured Aggregates 
Immer Denken    
Yum Yum Sauce Mike Shafto & Sylvia Shafto  
They Left It On Top Of My Tesla    
Spangles    A tribute to the Spangles restaurants of Wichita, Kansas 
 "Baby, a Spangles burger will never do you wrong.  All those other nowheresville burgers? Those are for squares." 
Fount of Ambiguity    
Leviticus 19    
Romans 7    
Grey Dunes   Final track of Assured Aggregates
Dogs Got Rhythm   Track 1 of Jazz Concentrate
Hard To Light    
Poco Roboto    
One For Erik    
Blue Potato Blues   Final track of Jazz Concentrate 
Modern Narrative   Selected tracks from the album Next
Good Faith Blues    
Donuts and More    
Extra Buttons    
Circuit Breaker    
I Remember Gerald    
Three Shirts and a Coffee Maker   revised June 12, 2022 
Last selected track from the album Next 
Committee For Nostalgia   Selected tracks from the album Quickies 
Cucumber Vine    
El Hugo    
Lion's Court    
Lacking a Lady    
Ray Ray 4U    
Phroebe   revised June 10, 2022
Marblino   revised June 9, 2022
Last selected track from the album Quickies 
Vavau   First track of Selections from Shakedown
Not Vava'u, the island group in Tonga.
Vavau, the village in Upolu, Samoa.
The Library Song (781_655)   781.655 is the Dewey Decimal code for Modern Jazz.
Lake Tower Song Flower    
Phosphine   Not phosphene.
Stoking It   There's no "r" in "stoking".
Nigel's Summer Home   Final track of Selections from Shakedown
X43   First track of selections from the album Sketches of Legrand Jazz, an homage to Michel Legrand's great album from 1958.
Possible Birds    
Angle of Attack   revised June 6, 2022
Latter Days    
Dance Nuance    
Mid-Afternoon   Final track of Selections from Sketches of Legrand Jazz
Dance for Five Angels   First composition of 2020
Five Angels Image by Giovanni di Paolo Condé Chantilly
Tribute to Charles Ives   The only intentional intersection with Charles Ives's music is through allusions to and quotations of the hymn tune "My Faith Looks Up to Thee", pp. 67-68 in The Charles Ives Tunebook (Clayton W. Henderson, second edition, Indiana University Press, 2008).
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night   Based on the famous poem by Dylan Thomas
James 5   Based on James 5 (New Testament NRSV)
Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror, Part 1   The eponymous poem is by John Ashbery
Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror, Part 2    
Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror, Part 3    
The Ice Storm   The eponymous poem is by John Ashbery
Etude No. 1 ("Aspects of 20th Century Music")   After examples in Aspects of 20th Century Music by Richard DeLone et al., ISBN 0-13-049346-5
Etude No. 2 ("Lament")   After Henry Purcell, Aria from Act III of Dido and Aeneas, "Remember Me"
Etude No. 3 ("Adagietto")   After Mahler: "Adagietto," Fifth Symphony, 4th Movement
Wagner 429   Selected studies based on songs and motifs from Wagner's operas. 
429 is based on Parsifal.
Wagner 364    Die Meistersinger
Wagner 310    Tristan und Isolde
Wagner 251    Götterdämmerung
Wagner 191    Siegfried
Wagner 152    Die Walküre
Symphony 1 ("The Man With the Blue Guitar") in one movement   Based on the eponymous poem by Wallace Stevens
Symphony 2 ("Owl's Clover") in one movement   Based on the eponymous poem by Wallace Stevens
Symphony 3 ("Foreign Song") 1st Movement   Based on "Earthy Anecdote" by Wallace Stevens
Symphony 3 ("Foreign Song") 2nd Movement   Based on "In the Carolinas" by Wallace Stevens
Symphony 3 ("Foreign Song") 3rd Movement   Based on "Invective Against Swans" by Wallace Stevens
Symphony 3 ("Foreign Song") 4th Movement   Based on "Of Mere Being" by Wallace Stevens
Symphony 4 ("The Comedian As the Letter 'C'") 1st Movement   Based on The Comedian as the Letter 'C' by Wallace Stevens
"The World without Imagination"
Symphony 4 ("The Comedian As the Letter 'C'") 2nd Movement   "Concerning the Thunderstorms of Yucatan"
Symphony 4 ("The Comedian As the Letter 'C'") 3rd Movement   "Approaching Carolina"
Symphony 4 ("The Comedian As the Letter 'C'") 4th Movement   "The Idea of a Colony"
Symphony 4 ("The Comedian As the Letter 'C'") 5th Movement   "A Nice Shady Home"
Symphony 4 ("The Comedian As the Letter 'C'") 6th Movement   "And Daughters with Curls"
Symphony 5 ("Ghosts") 1st Movement    
Symphony 5 ("Ghosts") 2nd Movement    
Symphony 5 ("Ghosts") 3rd Movement    
Symphony 5 ("Ghosts") 4th Movement    
Symphony 18.5, Movement 1 ("Softly and Tenderly")   Based on the hymn by Will L. Thompson
Symphony 18.5, Movement 2   Variations on "Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter Be?"
Symphony 18.5, Movement 3 ("I Know Where I'm Going")    Based on the Scottish or Irish folk song
Symphony 18.5, Prelude to Movement 4    
Symphony 18.5, Movement 4   Themes from Ballads and Folk Songs of the Southwest, by Ethel and Chauncey O. Moore. University of Oklahoma Press, 1964.
Symphony 18.5, Movement 5   Using thematic material from The Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. (1940). New York: The Church Pension Fund
Symphony 21 ("Easter"), Prelude   Easter Image
Symphony 21 ("Easter"), 1st Movement    
Symphony 21 ("Easter"), 2nd Movement    
Symphony 21 ("Easter"), 3rd Movement    
Symphony 21 ("Easter"), 4th Movement    
Symphony 21 ("Easter"), 5th Movement    
Symphony 21 ("Easter"), Postlude    
Symphony 21 ("Easter"), Finale    
Push Jay Shafto Legacy 1995. Composed for a Pomona College dance concert. Remastered from tape by Production Value Productions for Piltdown Music.
Studio Jam Drone original Jay Shafto Legacy undated
Studio Jam Drone piltdown Jay Shafto Legacy undated
Studio Jam Drone distortion Jay Shafto Legacy undated
Angular Momentum   ca. 1999
Kyrie Unknown Swing adaptation for 8-string guitar, ca. 1999
Techno Thing Jay Shafto 2001
Caine Plain   Based on a solo by Uri Caine. 2003
Cat Man Do   2005
Calorita   2006
Chocolate Sox   A new arrangement of a tune from the 1960s
Jazz for Feldman   Legacy 2006
Geeks of Lacey Station (take 2)   Legacy 2006

The Piltdown References Page

Piltdown Principles and Inspirational Quotations

Programming is fun, computer science is interesting, software engineering is hard.
(NASA maxim, often heard around Piltdown Music HQ)

Why backup code that doesn't work?
(Silicon Valley Zen)

Never always do anything.
(attributed to Sir Harold Delf Gillies, M.D., pioneer of plastic surgery)

If dogs run free, then why not we
Across the swooping plain?
My ears hear a symphony
Of two mules, trains and rain

(Bob Dylan, "If Dogs Run Free" (1970))

[W]hy does the same blues scale -- with so many "wrong" notes --
sound so right when played by a jazz or blues musician over a three-chord blues?
Your guess is as good as mine.
It's not explainable in terms of Western music theory.

(Mark Levine, Jazz Theory, 1995, p. 234.)

Asking a performer what should be performed
is like asking a printer what book should be printed.

(Milton Babbitt in Words About Music, 1987, p. 123)

Better a silent accordion than a chorus of harps ...
(John Ashbery, "The Future of the Dance", Quick Question, 2013)

Art is higher than reality and has no direct relation to reality.
(Piet Mondrian, 1914, from Wikiquote)

The primary imagination I hold to be ...
the eternal act of creation in the infinite 1 a.m.

(a misreading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge; he wrote "in the infinite I am".)

All this aura of freedom.
Yet it is self-evident that art is the antithesis of freedom.

(Morton Feldman, Give My Regards to Eighth Street, 2004, p. 210)

The world, unfortunately, is real; I, unfortunately, am Borges.
(Jorge Luis Borges, "A New Refutation of Time", 1944-46)

Time don't mean nothin' to a hog.

Music, I regret to say, affects me merely as an arbitrary succession of more or less irritating sounds.
(Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory, 1951/1966.)

As I look back, I seemed to have worked with more natural freedom when I knew the music was not going to be inflicted on others.
(Charles Ives, quoted by Clayton W. Henderson in The Charles Ives Tunebook, second edition, 2008, p.13)

I've been fortunate in that I have not been the target of professional jealousy.
Boxcars: The Piltdown Music Interview With Mike Shafto